Being a Christian is more than identifying yourself with a particular religion or affirming a certain value system. Being a Christian means you have embraced what the Bible … Click to know more...

Leadership in the Home -Introduction Leadership in the Home- A Defense Leadership … Continue Reading…
“Do you polish the brass on a sinking ship?”[1]This metaphor was made famous, by the 1950s radio … Continue Reading…
The issue of the Caste system is unique to India, but the problem of prejudice is not. In other … Continue Reading…
Being a Christian is more than identifying yourself with a particular religion or affirming a certain value system. Being a Christian means you have embraced what the Bible … Click to know more...
Welcome to Nashik Baptist Church (Nashik, India). Nashik Baptist Church is a Bible-teaching, Bible-preaching ministry with a growing passion to be God-centered in all we do. … Click to know more...
NBC believes that every member of the local church should be a minister (1 Peter 4:10). Every believer in Jesus Christ has partaken of God’s saving grace and should therefore … Click to know more...
Nashik Baptist Church is a reforming baptistic church. We hold to the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. You can click on the link to consult that document for a fuller … Click to know more...
The primary way that God communicates to His people today is through His revealed Son as portrayed in the written Word. God has demanded that men of … Click to know more...
If you have questions about our church, this website, or would simply like more information, complete the contact form below and send it to us. We will get back to you as soon … Click to know more...
Leadership in the Home -Introduction Leadership in the Home- A Defense Leadership in the Home- A Godly Man Leads Leadership in the Home- A Godly Man Protects Leadership in the Home- A Godly Man Provides This is a series about leadership in the home from Tim Challies. These are excellent articles which we thought would be of much value to the men of the Church. Please take time to read this article carefully. A husband’s unique role consists of three tasks: leadership, protection and … Read more...
“Do you polish the brass on a sinking ship?”[1]This metaphor was made famous, by the 1950s radio preacher J. Vernon McGee. He used this question and others similar, to scare Christians away from charity and social concern. He and other evangelical leaders argued that the Christian’s job is soul winning, and the winning of souls only. Any Christian with any social concern especially in the areas of education, politics, economics, family, business, charity, work, etc., were severely condemned. The reason for this … Read more...
The issue of the Caste system is unique to India, but the problem of prejudice is not. In other parts of the world people are divided into different groups. In North America, it is known as Racism, in Italy it is known as Faction, in the United Kingdom it is known as Class system, in South Africa it is known as Apartheid. Different names for the same sin – Partiality. Partiality is an ancient evil that the Bible clearly teaches against. In India, “according to the popularly accepted theory, caste system centres … Read more...
There is no doubt that technological and scientific progress has made our lives in the 21st century, much more convenient than what our ancestors even 50 years ago could have ever imagined. Did you know that during the first Apollo space mission to the moon in 1969, the computers on-board the space shuttle had a memory of 64 Kbytes and an operating system of 0.043 MH? By today’s standards it was less equipped than our modern toasters. Today, even a simple USB stick or WiFi router is more powerful than that. To put … Read more...
Suppose you were caught for stealing money from a bank and had to appear before a judge in a court of law for the sentencing of your crime. As you approach the judge’s bench you realize that you know the judge as a good friend of your father. You start to appeal to the judge for mercy. You say to him “Uncle, remember me, you know my father! You even came to my 11thbirthday celebration. Please uncle, I know you are a good man, please would you forgive me and let me go free?” Do you think the judge would say “Yes, … Read more...
Have you ever read John Piper's book, “Don’t waste your life”? If you are one of the few who have not, you should. In the opening pages he shares a sad, stirring story, of a retired couple. John Piper writes, “I will tell you what a tragedy is. I will show you how to waste your life. Consider this story from the February 1998 Reader’s Digest: A couple ‘took early retirement from their jobs in the Northeast five years ago when he was 59 and she was 51. Now they live in Florida, where they cruise on their 30-foot … Read more...